Work resume

What I Offer


I assist startups in building scalable web applications. In the past, I have created a successful open-source product and operated a hosted service based on it.

Education and experience

I am a self taught programmer with formal education in Electronics engineering.

I started my career as a Linux systems administrator and eventually got into software developemnt. I have worked with various product development companies of different sizes. I particularly enjoyed working for companies with startup culture.

🕜 Availability

Currently, I am engaged in building a platform,, for writers. While I am not actively seeking new opportunities, I am open to discussions should you have an intriguing proposal.

If the project has a calling and depending on my availability, I may offer friendly advice, at no charge.

Work Style

Open Source

I am a fervent open-source enthusiast. In one of my ventures, I adopted a top-down open-source approach with 100% open-source code as well as an open business plan.

I love contributing to open-source projects whenever possible in various capacities. In most companies I have collaborated with, I encouraged the team to use and contribute back to open-source. I have initiated a few open-source projects and continue to maintain them.
