
Using DOT language to produce Flowchart

better than struggling with the graphical tools.

$ cat test.dot
digraph FlowChart {

 node [
         fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"
         fontsize = 8
         shape = "record"

 edge [
         fontname = "Bitstream Vera Sans"
         fontsize = 8
         fontcolor = "Red"

// all blocks
greet [label="Hello, techie", shape="oval"]
which_os [label="What OS do you use?" shape="diamond"]
like_me [label="Great, me too!", shape="oval"]
which_browser [label="You must be using firefox", shape="diamond"]
ff [label="Cool", shape="oval"]
bye [label="Bye", shape="oval"]

// relations
greet -> which_os
which_os -> like_me [label="I use Linux"]
which_os -> which_browser [label="I use Windows"]
which_browser -> ff [label="Right"]
which_browser -> bye [label="what firefox?"]

Here is the result.

$ dot test.dot -Tpng -o test.png && eog test.png
