
Redis patterns | search


You want to implement search against user objects stored in redis using Python. Something like querying for all user ids whose username begins with "an".


Here we have user objects stored in as hashes with "user:obj:" as prefix.

For example

user:obj:3955 {id: 3955, username: 'John', ..}

We need some extra data structures to support our search i.e. (search user objects where username begins with given phrase. So search for jo should match John, Joe and so on. We will use sorted sets of all usernames and will assign every element a score. This score is a float and helps us in finding the matching words.

Some scores for eg.

a -> 0.097ab -> 0.097098ac -> 0.097099bc -> 0.098099

So for above four string if we find strings that has score that is => 0.097 and < 0.098, we find all strings that begins with 'a'


# Search usernames that begins with given phrase
# usernames: (username1, username2, ..)
# userscore:<username>: float
# user:obj: { id: int, username: string }

usernames_zset = "usernames"

def my_ord(c):
    return "%03d" % ord(c)

def get_score(s):
    return '0.' + ''.join(map(str, map(my_ord,s)))

def get_next_score(s):
    s_score = get_score(s)
    part0 = s_score[:4]
    c = s_score[4]
    next_c = str(int(c)+1)
    part1 = s_score[5:]
    return part0 + next_c + part1

def add_user(conn, username, score):
    # The User Object
    uid = conn.incr('user:idgen')
    conn.hset('user:obj:%d' % uid, 'id', username)
    # datastructures necessary to implement search
    conn.zadd(usernames_zset, username, score)

def add_test_data(conn):
    test_data = ('abc', 'ab', 'a', 'shekhar', 'shon', 'sh', \
        'zxcvbnmasdfghjklqwertyuiop0', 'zxcvbnmasdfghjklqwertyuiop00')

    for username in test_data:
        score = get_score(username)
        add_user(conn, username, score)

import redis
conn = redis.Redis()


# conn.zrange(usernames_zset, 0, -1) # Whole set
a_score = get_score('a')
b_score = get_next_score('a')

print 'Find all users starting with "a" -> INF'
print conn.zrangebyscore(usernames_zset, a_score, 'INF')
print 'Find all users starting with "a"'
print conn.zrangebyscore(usernames_zset, a_score, b_score)
print 'Find all users starting with "a" limit 2'
print conn.zrangebyscore(usernames_zset, a_score, 'INF', 0, 2)


This to demonstrate simple redis pattern and using it in Python.

See Also

There are already some good writeups on related topics.